Everybody has some junk lying about the house, and most of us have a lot of it. Clutter in the home appears to be rather harmless. Surrounding oneself with more than one can handle often results in people feeling overwhelmed and like their lives are spinning out of control. Taking care of the mess and decluttering your home are ways to better care for yourself. A Budget Dumpster survey indicates that 75% of Americans finished a decluttering project in the past year. You`re not alone if you`re yearning for a tidier, more organized home. It`s time to declutter and make the most of your storage space. This ultimate storage guide will provide tips and tricks to reclaim your home`s tranquillity. And maintain a well-equipped storage place in homes with lounge lovers.


1. Start with a Plan


Decluttering can be a daunting task, especially if your home is filled to the brim with items. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, start with a well-thought-out plan. Create a checklist or a room-by-room strategy to tackle the process one step at a time.


2. The KonMari Method


Marie Kondo`s KonMari method of tidying up has gained worldwide recognition for its effectiveness. The key principle is to keep only the items that spark joy. Take each item into your hands; if it doesn`t bring you happiness, it`s time to let it go.


3. Donate, Sell, or Toss


Sort your belongings into three categories: items to donate, items to sell, and things to throw away. Be ruthless in your decisions. If you haven`t used it in a year and it doesn`t hold sentimental value, it`s probably time to part with it.


4. Storage Solutions


Now that you`ve decluttered, it`s time to organize the items you`ve chosen to keep. Invest in storage solutions that suit your space and needs. Here are some options:


  • Shelves: Wall-mounted or freestanding shelves can help maximize vertical space. For instance, you can organize your books in Maya Natural Bookshelf
  • Cabinets: Use cabinets with doors to hide items and keep your area looking neat. Use a bigger and diversely segregated cabinet.
  • Baskets and Bins: These are great for grouping similar items and preventing clutter.
  • Under-Bed Storage: Utilize the space under your bed for seasonal clothing or items you don`t need daily. You can also utilize it to keep your blankets and sheets.
  • Hooks and Pegboards are excellent for hanging items such as bags, hats, or kitchen utensils.


5. Label Everything


Labeling your storage containers, drawers, and shelves makes finding what you`re looking for easy. It`s a simple but effective step that can save you time and frustration in the long run.


6. Furniture with Built-In Storage


Consider furniture pieces with built-in storage, such as ottomans with hidden compartments or beds with storage drawers. This maximizes the use of space while keeping your home looking sleek and tidy.


7. Maintain a "One In, One Out" Policy


To prevent future clutter, adopt a "one in, one out" policy. If you buy a new item, clothing, kitchen gadgets, or decorations, commit to removing an old item.


8. Regular Maintenance


Decluttering isn`t a one-time task; it`s an ongoing process. Make it a habit to revisit your belongings and assess what you no longer need at least once a season. Regular maintenance will help you maintain a clutter-free home.


9. Embrace Minimalism


Consider adopting a minimalist lifestyle. Minimalism focuses on the idea that less is more. Keeping items that serve a purpose or bring joy will naturally reduce clutter and simplify your life.

10. Seek Professional Help if Needed


If you find decluttering too overwhelming or time-consuming, there`s no shame in seeking the help of a professional organizer. They can provide guidance, practical solutions, and motivation to get your home in order.

Organizing Your Closet: A Step-by-Step Guide


A cluttered closet can be a daily source of stress and frustration. If you`ve been avoiding the daunting task of organizing your closet, it`s time to reclaim that space and restore a sense of order to your daily routine.


Step 1: Preparation


Before organizing your closet, set aside some time for this task. Make sure you have:


  • Plenty of trash bags or boxes for items you want to donate or discard.
  • Cleaning supplies to wipe down shelves, racks, and other closet components.
  • Storage solutions like hangers, bins, and frames will help optimize your space.


Step 2: Empty the Closet


The first step is to remove Everything from your closet. Yes, Everything. This process allows you to see the true extent of what you`re dealing with and is essential for a thorough decluttering.


Step 3: Declutter


Now comes the hardest part: deciding what to keep and what to let go. Ask yourself these questions as you go through each item:


  • Have I worn or used this in the past year?
  • Does this item still fit, or is it in good condition?
  • Does it hold sentimental value?


Be ruthless in your decisions. If the item doesn`t meet these criteria, it`s time to part with it—place items to donate in one pile and those to throw away in another.


Step 4: Categorize


Sort the items you`ve decided to keep into categories such as clothing, shoes, accessories, and any specific subcategories that make sense for your wardrobe.


Step 5: Cleaning and Maintenance


Take this opportunity to clean your closet thoroughly. Wipe down shelves, vacuum the floor, and make any necessary repairs. A clean closet is the perfect canvas for your organized space.


Step 6: Storage Solutions


Let`s get to the fun part: optimizing your closet with various storage solutions.


  • Hangers: Invest in quality hangers to keep your clothes neat and wrinkle-free. Consider slim, non-slip hangers for space-saving benefits.
  • Shelves and Cubbies: Install adjustable shelves or cubbies for folded items or accessories. Utilize vertical space efficiently.
  • Drawer Dividers: Use dividers to separate socks, underwear, and other small items, keeping them organized and easily accessible.
  • Storage Bins and Baskets: These are great for storing seasonal items, shoes, or accessories—label bins for quick identification.
  • Over-the-Door Storage: Hang organizers inside your closet door to store shoes, jewelry, or accessories.


Step 7: Organize and Arrange


Put Everything back into your closet in an organized manner. Here are some tips:


  • Place frequently worn items at eye level for easy access.
  • Use bins or baskets for accessories like scarves, belts, or hats.
  • Color-code your clothing or organize by type (e.g., work attire, casual wear, formal wear).
  • Keep shoes neatly arranged on shelves or in shoe organizers.


Step 8: Maintenance and Regular Checks


To ensure your closet stays organized, commit to periodic checks. Every season, go through your closet and remove items you haven`t used. This will prevent clutter from building up again.


Step 9: Celebrate Your Success


Finally, take a moment to appreciate your beautifully organized closet. The sense of order, the extra space, and the ease of finding what you need will make your efforts more than worthwhile. Remember, organizing your closet is an ongoing process. Regular maintenance and a commitment to thoughtful consumption will help you maintain the harmony and order you`ve created. Enjoy your newly organized closet and the peace it brings to your daily routine.


Creative Storage Solutions for Small Spaces


Living in a small space doesn`t mean you have to compromise on style, comfort, or organization. You can make the most of your limited living space with creativity and the right storage solutions.


1. Wall-Mounted Shelves


One of the most effective ways to maximize space in a small room is by installing wall-mounted shelves. These shelves can hold book decor or serve as a mini home office. They free up floor space and add a touch of style to your walls.


2. Under-Stair Storage

If you have a staircase, consider utilizing the space underneath. This area can be transformed into a built-in cabinet, a cozy reading nook, or pull-out drawers. It`s an often overlooked yet valuable, storage opportunity.


3. Multi-Functional Furniture


Invest in furniture pieces that serve multiple purposes. For example, a sofa that converts into a bed or a coffee table with hidden storage can save space while providing essential functionality.


4. Over-the-Door Organizers


Don`t forget to make use of the backs of doors. Over-the-door organizers can hold shoes, toiletries, or office supplies. They are inexpensive and easy to install.


5. Floating Desks


Incorporate a floating desk in your small home office or bedroom. These space-saving decks attach to the wall and offer a designated workspace without occupying precious floor space.


6. Fold-Down Tables


Fold-down tables are perfect for small kitchens or dining areas. They can be folded against the wall when not in use, leaving your space open for other activities.


7. Vertical Storage


Make the most of your vertical space by adding tall bookshelves, storage cabinets, or hanging hooks. Vertical storage utilizes height and draws the eye upward, creating the illusion of a larger area.


8. Storage Ottomans


Opt for an ottoman that doubles as a storage unit. These versatile pieces can hold blankets, pillows, or even shoes, making them a valuable addition to any small living room.


9. Bed with Drawers


Consider a bed with built-in drawers beneath the mattress. This space is ideal for storing clothing, bedding, or seasonal items, eliminating the need for a separate dresser or under-bed storage bins.


10. Magnetic Wall Storage


Magnetic walls are a unique and creative way to organize and display items. Use magnetic paint or panels to transform a wall into a functional storage space for kitchen utensils, office supplies, or children`s toys.


Bonus Tip: Customize Your Solutions


Remember that every small space is unique. Don`t be afraid to mix and match these storage ideas to fit your specific needs. Customization is the key to making the most of your space.


In conclusion, decluttering your home and optimizing your storage space is empowering. It leads to a tidier and more organized living space and promotes a sense of well-being and tranquillity. With these tips and tricks in mind, you`re on your way to creating a home that truly sparks joy. Small living spaces can be cozy, stylish, and functional with the right storage solutions. By utilizing wall space, multi-functional furniture, and creative storage options, you can transform your small space into a well-organized haven that meets all your needs without feeling cramped. Embrace these creative storage solutions and enjoy your small space to the fullest.